
Effective Time Management Tips for YouTube Kids
Written by Emma Rhys

YouTube Kids has become an increasingly popular platform for children to consume online video content, with over 11 million active weekly viewers. While the platform offers many benefits, such as a wide range of educational and entertaining videos, it also poses potential risks, including exposure to inappropriate or harmful content. As a parent or guardian, it’s important to be aware of these risks and take steps to ensure your child is safely navigating YouTube Kids. In this blog, we’ll explore five tips for safely navigating YouTube Kids with your children to help you make informed decisions about your child’s online video consumption

5 Hints for Securely Exploring YouTube kids with Your Children

Set up parental controls:

YouTube kids has underlying parental controls that permit you to tweak your kid’s insight. You can set age limitations, limit screen time, and impair search choices to guarantee your kid just approaches age-suitable substance.

Screen your youngster’s action:

Indeed, even with parental controls set up, it’s vital to routinely look at your kid’s review history to guarantee they are just watching recordings that line up with your family’s qualities. Try to have discussions with your kid about the thing they’re watching and why it’s essential to be aware of the substance they consume.

Utilize confided in sources:

Stick to channels and recordings from confided in sources, like notable brands or instructive channels Stay away from recordings that have low view counts or remarks impaired, as these can be signs of bad quality or possibly improper substance.

Be careful about autoplay:

 The autoplay element can lead your kids down a dark hole of recordings that may not be suitable for their age or interests. Consider impairing autoplay to give yourself more command over your youngster’s review insight.

Keep an open discourse with your kid:

 As your youngster develops and grows new interests, their review propensities might change. Support open correspondence and consistently check in with your youngster about the thing they’re watching and how it affects them. This will assist you with remaining informed and guarantee that your kid is drawing in with content that lines up with your family’s qualities.


YouTube Kids can be a valuable resource for children to learn, explore, and be entertained. However, it’s important to understand and manage the potential risks associated with the platform. By using the tips we’ve discussed, such as setting up parental controls, monitoring your child’s activity, and keeping an open dialogue, you can help ensure that your child is safely navigating YouTube Kids. With these strategies in place, you can feel confident in allowing your child to explore the many educational and entertaining videos available on the platform while keeping them protected from potentially harmful content.

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About the author

Emma Rhys

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