
What’s the Difference Between CBD and CBG?

Written by Emma Rhys

CBD and CBG: Not 100, not even 200, but more than 400 different compounds are present in the cannabis plant. Of these, between 80 and 100 are types of cannabinoids, of which CBD and THC are the two most well-known.

Then, there’s CBG, which isn’t as popular but is gaining traction in the industry. It has characteristics similar to CBD, but the two aren’t the same.

To that end, we created this guide discussing the difference between CBD and CBG. Read on to discover what sets the two apart.

The Primary Difference Between CBD and CBG

CBD is an acronym for cannabidiol, while CBG is a shortcut for cannabigerol. Names aside, a chief distinction between the two is that C BD is a major cannabis constituent. By contrast, CBG is only a minor phytocannabinoid.

One reason is that there’s much more CBD in the cannabis plant than CBG. In contrast, cannabis contains less than 1% of cannabigerol. That’s because, as the plant matures, CBG gets turned into other cannabinoids, such as CB D and THC.

Interestingly, CBD and CBG come from the same acid called cannabigerolic acid (CBGa). CBGa, as its name suggests, is the acidic form of C BG.

More than that, many refer to CBGa as the mother of all cannabinoids. That’s because all other types of cannabinoids are derivatives of CBGa.

Why Is CBD More Popular Than CBG?

For one, there are more C BD studies than CBG, perhaps due to its discovery occurring way before the latter. It was back in 1940 when a group of chemists first isolated cannabidiol from the cannabis plant. However, it was only in 1970 when Israeli scientists discovered C BD wasn’t psychoactive.

On the other hand, scientists only discovered CBG almost two and a half decades after CBD. Specifically, the first-ever isolation of cannabigerol occurred in 1964.

Another reason is that C BG is more challenging to isolate than CBD. After all, the cannabis plant contains a much lower concentration of cannabigerol. For the same reason, CBG isolate, which is CBG in its purest form, tends to be more expensive than CBD isolate.

What Can CBG Help With Then?

One of the top benefits of CBD that many users swear to is that it helps with their pain. CBG products, in turn, may deliver the same benefit.

Moreover, CBG, like its close cousin CBD, doesn’t have psychoactive effects, unlike THC. THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), in turn, is another primary cannabinoid like CBD. However, it’s also the chief psychoactive compound in the cannabis plant.

Other studies also found that CBG may be helpful for inflammatory conditions. For instance, it may have positive effects on arthritis.

Some people with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) also use cannabigerol. It may also be helpful against bacteria, including superbugs like MRSA.

That’s How CBD Differs From CBG

And there you have it, your quick guide on the difference between C BD and CBG. Now you know that the former is a primary cannabinoid, while the latter only classifies as a minor one. However, you also learned that both possess therapeutic properties.

So if you’re in the market for cannabinoids, consider trying both CBD and CBG.

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About the author

Emma Rhys

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